Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Sherry Lee Albritton

Class of 2004

Portrait of Sherry Lee Albritton
Digital Scrapbook
Sherry Albritton received his Bachelor of Music degree from the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, and began teaching at DeKalb High School in 1950. He earned a Master of Education degree from East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas. Supervisory certification was earned at the University of Houston and Mid-Management certification at Prairie View A & M University, Prairie View, Texas.

The first ten years were spent teaching in East Texas schools and serving in the First Armored Division Band. In 1960 he became director of the Taft High School Band which received several Sweepstakes Awards, In 1968 Mr. Albritton moved to Rosenberg where he served fourteen years as band director and six years as Director of Fine Arts for the Lamar Consolidated ISD. Many Sweepstakes Awards were earned in UIL competition as well as Superior ratings at the Buccaneer Band Festival. He retired after thirty-eight years but continued to teach privately for five years in various Houston area schools as well as teaching another five years in Carlsbad, New Mexico. After substituting in various schools as band director and assistant principal, Mr. Albritton completed fifty years of teaching in 2000. He served as Region Chairman of Region XIV, Executive Secretary of Region XVII and was a charter member of the Texas Music Adjudicators Association having judged marching, concert and sight-reading for over thirty years. He was listed in "Leaders of American Educators" in 1972 and was presented an Honorary Lone Star Farmer Award for service to the state organization with his stage band. The B. F. Terry High School Band, Rosenberg, Texas has named the Outstanding Musician Award for S. L. Albritton. In 2001 he received the TBA Lifetime Meritorious Achievement Award. Group affiliations include Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Bandmasters Association, Classroom Teachers Association, Phi Mu Alpha Fraternity and Texas State Teachers Association.

Many people have influenced me through the years, namely Wayne Rapier, my good high school oboist friend with the Boston Symphony; Roy Wallace, my high school band director; Dr. Lee Gibson, University of North Texas, my clarinet teacher; Maurice McAdow, my university band director; Marion Busby and Bryce Taylor to name a few. My greatest asset has always been my wife, Elizabeth, who for 54 years has made every step with me. Our wonderful children, Steve, Susan, and Lee were great musicians and constant supporters as well as our grandchildren, Cathrine, Neal, Laura and Brent, who are also fine musicians. During my fifty years of teaching, I have observed the amazing development of our band programs from the early "one town-one director" stage to the best bands in the world.
It has been a wonderful life! I am still enjoying it in retirement.

Mr. Albritton passed away on May 17, 2007.
Here is a link to his obituary

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