Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Charles Enloe

Class of 1993

Portrait of Charles Enloe
Digital Scrapbook
Being able to survey all around him denotes not only height, but an uncanny sense of recognizing talent. Charles Enloe has this ability, which has been proven during an outstanding career in Texas. Charles was born in Wichita Falls on June 18, 1920. Charles chose trombone as his performing medium and graduated from Wichita Falls High School in 1938. He enrolled at SMU, but World War II interrupted his education and he became a member of the Air Force. After the war ended, he resumed his education at SMU, received his degree in Music Education, spent several months at Highland Park, began his teaching career at Mexia High School, moving to Nederland High School and teaching trombone at Lamar University in Beaumont. Soon, the home area drew Charles to Seymour, where he built an outstanding program. He left there briefly to go to Monahans.

Charles returned to Seymour, disproving the old theory that “you can’t go back someplace where you have been before.” His bands at Seymour continued to be award winners until he left to return to Wichita Falls as Director of Bands at Rider High School. After a successful tenure there, he was promoted to Supervisor of Bands for the Wichita Falls ISD where he served until his retirement.

Charles has been active all during his career in sharing his knowledge with directors around him and the “Enloe” touch can be found on many bands around the Red River country of Texas. He has served as region chairman, taught at summer music camps, judged in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and New Mexico. He organized summer camps at Seymour for students in surrounding towns.

Dorothy Enloe has acted as big sister or mother for countless young directors. She is fearless, except for an occasional tornado. Charles and Dorothy have a son and a daughter.

Charles retired, but still serves as supervisor of music student teachers at Midwestern University. He is a charter member of TMAA, TMEA, TBA, ASBDA and Phi Beta Mu. He is still called to serve as an adjudicator and a consultant for many groups and schools. While the Red River area of Texas has received a majority of results from Charles Enloe, he is well known throughout Texas and his former students continue to be participants and consumers of good music because of his efforts.

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