Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Roy Roberts

Class of 1991

Portrait of Roy Roberts
Digital Scrapbook
Roy Roberts is an outstanding man among outstanding men! He was born November 18, 1923 in Eufaula, Oklahoma. He attended school in Muskogee, Oklahoma, where he played alto saxophone four years in the Manual Training High School marching, concert, and jazz bands. Upon graduation from high school, he received a scholarship to Wylie College in Marshall, Texas. Roy left school after two years to play professionally in Houston. It was while he was in Houston that he was drafted into the U.S. Navy, where he played in a Navy band for three years.

Upon discharge from the Navy, he went to Los Angeles, California, to play the club circuit. Roy decided he wanted to complete his education so he returned to college at Samuel Huston College in Austin, Texas. He continued playing in the college bands and professionally until he received his Bachelor of Arts degree and Teacher's Certification in Music. He later received his master's degree in Educational Administration from Texas Tech University in Lubbock.

Roy's first teaching job was in Frederick, Oklahoma where he spent three years developing a band program at Boyd High School. Moving on to Lubbock in 1952, he assumed the duties as band director at Dunbar High School. His Dunbar bands were of such fine caliber that he was asked by the area band directors to stage "exhibitions" of marching during the UIL marching contests. His jazz bands were in constant demand to perform throughout the area. His concert bands were superior in every respect. The Dunbar band first attended contest at the Prairie View Interscholastic League, where they won Sweepstakes ratings, and then in 1950, the Black West Texas League was formed, and Dunbar again won Sweepstakes awards. In 1967, the Dunbar High School band was accepted into the UIL where they continued their superior ratings.

After 18 years as band director at Dunbar High School, Roy made a decision to become Assistant Principal at Estacado High School in Lubbock. One year later he returned to Dunbar with a promotion to Principal where he stayed until he retired in 1984.

Roy has always been, and still is, active in many professional and community service organizations. He is always there for you if you need help of any kind. Through his love and concern for his students, and with lots of encouragement, many, many of those students who might have dropped out of high school now have a college degree of their own and are very successful. Roy was selected "Administrator of the Year" for Lubbock ISD in 1978, and "Man of the Year" by Delta Sigma Theta sorority in 1980. Roy Roberts is an inspiration to all.

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