Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Pat Patterson

Class of 1991

Portrait of Pat Patterson
Digital Scrapbook
TBA is the largest organization of state band directors in the nation, thanks to the energy and foresight of Pat Patterson. He was planner, promoter and keeper; builder, guardian, and peacemaker. He took all the rough edges and made them smooth. Each succeeding TBA stands as a monument to Pat.

Pat was born in Waco on December 15, 1923. He played trombone under Lyle Skinner, and was 1st chair in the All-State Band for three consecutive years. Pat attended Texas College of Mines (UTEP), received his B.M. degree from Hardin-Simmons and his M.M.E. from Vandercook College of Music. He taught in Anson from 1949 until 1952 when he took over the Sweetwater bands. His stage bands won many festivals, and his marching bands appeared at the Cotton Bowl, State Fair, Battle of the Flowers parade, and were the guests of Southern Methodist University several times.

Pat continued to play professionally, and was the musical director for the West Texas Rehab television show that was shown throughout Texas. He also played ice shows, circuses, as well as symphony engagements.

Pat was named Texas Bandmaster of the Year in 1980. He served TBA in each of its officer positions. He was President of TBA twice, in 1959 and 1960. He became Executive Secretary of TBA in 1960, and served until his death. He also was the Executive Secretary for the Texas Choral and Orchestra Directors for eleven years. Pat was a member of TMEA and Phi Beta Mu.

Pat passed away on January 28, 1986.

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