Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Eddie Galvan

Class of 1991

Portrait of Eddie Galvan
Digital Scrapbook
Eddie Galvan was born August 19, 1927 in Corpus Christi, Texas. He has an Associate of Arts degree from Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, and he received his Bachelor of Music degree from Texas A & I University in Kingsville, Texas in 1952. His Master of Science degree in Music Education in 1953 is also from Texas A & I. He has done post graduate work at the University of Houston.

Eddie's first teaching job was as an Assistant Band Director at Premont High School, Premont, Texas in 1953. He moved to Refugio High School as Assistant Band and Choral Director in 1954. He was the Band Director at Driscoll Junior High School in Corpus Christi for 6 years, and then he moved to Roy Miller High School in 1962 where he directed the band for 10 years. Eddie served in different administrative capacities in the Corpus Christi ISD from 1972-1985. In 1985, he became Assistant Professor of Music at Corpus Christi State University where he still remains.

Eddie's bands were consistent UIL Sweepstakes winners. They received Outstanding Band awards at Six Flags Over Texas, and the Buccaneer Days Festival. They also made a 1968 guest appearance at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas.

Eddie is a member of Phi Beta Mu, TMEA, TBA, and TMAA. He has been guest clinician and performer at many jazz festivals as well as an adjudicator throughout the state of Texas.

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