Texas Bandmaster Hall of Fame

Sponsored by Phi Beta Mu - Alpha Chapter

Marion Busby

Class of 1991

Portrait of Marion Busby
Digital Scrapbook
Marion Busby was born in Spur, Texas in 1919. He received his Bachelor of Music degree from Baylor University, and his Master of Music degree from Texas A & I University.

His teaching career started at Lockhart, Texas in 1940. He then moved to San Benito where he directed the high school band for three years. While there he founded and organized the Pigskin Jubilee Marching Contest for the Valley bands.
He served in the united states navy from 1944-1945. He spent one year with Southern Music Co. of San Antonio, and then returned to teaching.

In 1946 he became Director of Bands at Taft High School in Taft, Texas and remained there for 10 years. During his tenure, his bands received consistent First Divisions in every category. It has been said that when the Taft High School band traveled, schools had to be closed, because virtually every person in school was in the band.

In 1956 he moved to Weslaco, Texas. His Weslaco High School bands were twice named Honor Band by TMEA, and on four different occasions at the Buccaneer Days Music Festival they were named Outstanding 3A Band.

Marion Busby, was Director of Bands at Del Mar College from 1963 to 1967.
In 1967, he became the Supervisor of Music for the Corpus Christi schools until his death in 1970.

Marion Busby was President of TBA in 1953-54. He was posthumously awarded Bandmaster of the Year in 1977. His picture with his baritone appeared in the original Victor Band Method Book as an example for correct posture.

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